Animal Awareness and Wellness month
So I was driving around in a small town outside of San Antonio when I passed by the towns courthouse square and noticed that they were having a car show. I thought this was the perfect time to get some demo shots. Here lately I have been trying to break into photograpy. Not only would it be a good thing for the blog but it would also make a great main job seeing as sense covid 19 has happened a lot of us have been laid off from our jobs, and a lot of us have been forced into career changes. I had actually spent the last three days in this town outside of San Antonio getting demo shot's. This is actually a really great place for aspiring photographer's to get demo shots. I was actually there on this particular day to get demo shot's at a buddy of mine's ranch outside of that town outside of San Antonio more kind of in the hill country area. I was finding that I had gotten to this friends property too early so I went back to town and saw that they were setting up for a car show in the Court House square. Right in the corner of the Court House square was a sign that read Animal Awareness Month.
I was just a little bit curious about what Animal awareness and wellness month was so like any curious person wanting more information on something I took to google. Google told me that animal awareness month was actually in October and that this whole animal awareness and wellness month in July was actually a Kerr county thing. As you would notice pictured above in the sign it says pets alive and that is what it looks like that it has a lot to do with. According to the Hill Country Journal the city of Kerrville is trying to creatively make a difference in the lives of animals and for animals that would mean one less abused or neglected animal. I have always been a big fan of the city of Kerrville, Texas and this just gives me one more reason to love this city even more.
Also according to the hill country journal it has been very challenging to find people to adopt the animals that they have in the Kerr County animal shelter, and that is a lot of the reason why the pet's alive/ Animal awareness and wellness month exists. It seems as though finding people to adopt animals in a shelter has more than likely always been a little bit of a challenge. However I am thinking that maybe that challenge might have increased around the fall of the stock market in 2008 and then probably even more so with our recent pandemic that we just got out of. One of the things that I was feeling last summer is that we were in the aftermath of the pandemic and I was looking at where I was before the pandemic and looking at where I am now and it made me a little bit depressed. It just felt like that last summer we were in the aftermath of the pandemic and people were like ok now what. At first I thought that maybe it was just me and people were telling me no it was a weird summer.
What has gotten me concerned is that it is a year later and a lot of us are still in the same situation that we were last summer. Nothing has really changed, we still don't know where we are headed economy wise. People were saying in Sunday school at church as well as the work place that things are worse than they have ever been. My thinking is that the reason why the shelters are overcrowded is because of the common thing that happens about people thinking they want pets and then they decide they don't so they take them to the shelter. Sometimes they don't even do that they just put the animal out on it's own. I think that is just a cruel thing to do. We all know that we have a lot of lazy people in this country alone. I mean look at what is going on we have a lot of people that don't want to work and that is why there are help wanted signs every where. However it's not just that we have a lot of lazy people that is the reason that people don't want to work.
One of the things that was going on back when the stock market crashed back in 2008 is that employer's were not treating there employee's very well. I mean there has always been an issue with that. But around that time the 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 you get the picture. I mean everyone was complaining about it. Employers knew they could get away with it. I think back in 2011 that is when it got really bad. I remember the suicide rate being very high. I remember wanting to change jobs and looking on which back in 2003 and 2004 When I was looking at where I was as far as credits to graduate. The graduation didn't happen till 2008 by the way but I was very excited about life and I was very excited about life after college and everything and had all of these job possibilities and opportunities and then all of a sudden there was nothing.
It was a very depressing feeling. I also remember back in 2014 When I was working in a pretty good sized call center in San Antonio and I got to work one day and found out that I had been reassigned as far as who my manager was and the team that I was on. I was not happy about who my new team lead was because I remember being in training bay at the time that she was in floor support and she kind of got smart with me on a question that I had. She just never seemed to be in a good mood. I later found out she was not really like that she was just having a lot of personal problems at home. That can mess you up in ways you could never imagine.
I also remember that very next year when I was working a different project for the same company and things had gotten a little better but I remembered something happend that I didn't agree with and I was talking with a friend of mine from college and I remember her saying 'it's making these employers feel good and surperior they way they treat their employers badly but eventually this economy is going to get better and they are not going to have anyone to work for them. Me an this friend were talking about that conversation the other day and wondering if that is what has happened.
Well the Economy did get better, and then Covid 19 happened. Is the economy necessarily better now? That is very hard to say right now, but definitely people don't have anyone to work for them. I am seeing things as far as that getting better too. There are some people that are wanting to go back to work. However some of the people that are wanting to go back to work are also applying for these jobs and not getting hired. It really doesn't make any sense. My thinking on that is these people don't want help very bad.
What I am getting at when bringing all of this up and talking about how we don't know where we are headed economy wize is that because we don't know where this economy is headed people are still in what a co worker that I did door to door sales with would call survival mode. So they don't want that extra expense of a pet, that was a thought that came to mind when reading and researching about overcrowds in animal shetler's. A lot of times if they have a pet already and don't want that extra expense they are taking that pet to the animal shelter.
We all know that guy that wants something and then the new wears off and then they don't want it anymore. That is basically how I ended up with Tiger and those people are also very likely to bring their pets to the animal shelter. Those people are those people that are just bad news and their parents don't want to believe they have raised them. Either they will take the animal to the shelter or they will decide that is too much work and someone else will end up taking care of that animal. Regardless of the reason the situation of overcrowding in shelters as well as animal abuse and neglect got so bad it is nice to know that people are putting their heads together to come up with new ways to help animals.
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