Do I smell like cat?

 One of the first things that I was concerned about when getting a pet, especially a cat was, Do I smell like a cat? Do I smell like cat urine? Really I was always thought that cat crap was what smelled the worst, even worse than cat urine.

I remember when I was in college and I was living in a house with three guys and their girlfriends and one couple that lived in the house had chihuahua's as well as two cats. We were all students at the local university.

The animals were free to roam anywhere in the house that they wanted. None of us really minded the animals being there. In fact I think we all thought that the animals living in the house with us was an addition to just how much fun it was living there in the first place. You have to understand something my house was party headquarters.

However when one friend came over this one time to study, I was answering the door and letting her in. she told me that when walking in the front door that it did stink. She loved the animals though. Especially this one cat that lived in the house with us. It was a black minx cat, those cats usually have a very short tail. Let's call the cat Ruby. Well my guest would even comment on how Ruby was such a pretty kitten. I believe at that time Ruby was in her last phase of being a kitten. I understood why she was commenting on the way the house smelled. I was still in the dating realm as my roommate's/friends were in serious relationships. When I say serious relationships they were serious at that time I guess because they are all with other people now but, because I was not in a relationship at that time they were wondering why I wasn't and encouraging me to get a girlfriend. My take on that was your supposed to have fun in college and yawl have girlfriends. 

The other reason why my guest that was over at the house at that time was probably saying that is because she was living at home at the time, and although like us she still had a lot of things to do throughout the day like all of us. For her the responsibilities at home such as keeping the house tidy and clean were pretty much covered for her by her parents. But she was also very smart. for her keeping her grades up was not as hard as it might be for some of us. Although that day that my guest was over at the house, the house was clean. There were times it was a struggle to keep things in an orderly fashion. All of us in the house were struggling with keeping things orderly just simply because we were all busy throughout the day. I was attending classes in the morning and had a job most evenings and sometimes in the afternoon. Sometimes I wouldn't put myself on the schedule in those afternoons so I could study, hang out with a friend, or maybe even explore. At that time in your life your still exploring, finding yourself, maybe even finding out who you are.

A lot of times to smell good a person will use cologne. This is usually for a formal event, a special occasion, a really hot date, or maybe a casual fling. It was during this time that the first body spray came out. This particular body spray was made by Axe. For a little while it was the only body spray on the market and then other ones started coming out. I say all of this because people who have cat's as pets do sometimes smell like cat or they sometimes smell like cat urine. I feel like cologne can be an expensive way to mask pet odors, and that is why I bring up body spray or deodorant body spray. Whatever we want to call it. I have known some people that carry cologne with them. I have known some wemon that carry perfume with them. I was in church with my family at one time and one of the members of the congregation was flagellant, and a wemon in the congregation had some lotion in her purse that she got out and opened and put on her hands. and the awful smell of the flagellins went away. Me and my family were talking with her after the service and she said that she did that to liven up the smell. 

I laughed when she said that and so did my parents, I mean it was funny but she had the right idea it worked. As far as cologne goes yes it's expensive, there are cheaper alternatives to the colognes that they sell at the mall, that they sell at the dollar tree. I have found that they smell the same as those at the mall that you would pay about $60 to $100 for. Even then I just find the deodorant body sprays to better when your using it on your body or your clothes to hide the cat smell or the cat urine smell. Think about it, they come in cans. so if you wanted to take it with you on the go this would be better than taking a $60 to $100 glass container of cologne or perfume with you. These can's of deodorant body spray can be just left in the car for when you feel like you need to respray on a work break. But with these can's they can do you one better. These cans can not only be taken with you on the go, but they can be carried in purses, brief cases, gym bags, some of these can's of deodorant body spray or fairly skinny so some of them could be carried in a pocket. There are also now deodorant body spray's for wemon. I am not knocking the colognes that you can buy at the mall in glass container. They are pricey, but I buy a lot of those myself when I can. I love cologne. Cologne is a very good quality product. However the deodorant body sprays that you can buy are a better alternative for a working pet owner. It is also a great alternative for a college student that is on a tight budget but is still trying to date and be social.


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