Putting Baking Soda in the liter box
Originally Baking Soda was used just how it sounds for baking. However baking soda can be used for many different things. Cleaning is something that I have found baking soda useful for. The ways baking soda can be used for cleaning involve everything form ovens to toilets. I have also known people who have used baking to brush their teeth, because it got rid of the stains on their teeth and made their teeth whiter. That is probably why there is now an arm and hammer baking soda toothpaste. This particular toothpaste specializes in whiting.
According to armandhammer.com it can also be use to liven up the smell of the area's in the home that don't smell all that fresh. Also according to the brand name website. You can use it to clean carpet as well as other areas of the bathroom besides toilets.
It was still relatively recent after getting Tiger and I was still getting advice from friends, and people that I knew that knew I had recently been given a permanent pet. The advice was just about certain things, and facts about keeping a cat, or just being a cat owner. One of these things, was to line or coat the bottom of the liter box with baking soda, and that would eliminate the kitty cat smell.
There are also different arm and hammer products besides just baking soda that you can use in your liter box. One of these is just a plastic liner. it is similar to how you would put the plastic trash bag into the trash can. Another arm and hammer product is this powder that you can put into the liter box. Then there is another one that is a spray.
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