That cat's on crack!
Ok so in the last post describing the 2nd zoom call that I mentioned where Alex needed someone to keep his cat for a week. You can pretty much come to the conclusion that Tony and Alex talked over the idea of me keeping the cat or asking me to keep the cat. or maybe even a question of, "Do you think Brad would keep the cat?" before the idea was presented over the zoom call. That was kind of the conclusion I came to after I was pretty much a cat dad. I say this because I think Alex kind of caught onto the fact that I thought that the kitten was cute.
People are either misinformed, or have the wrong idea about cats and kittens, or it might be a preconceived notion that they have observed about cats. I say this about cats because it does seem to be mostly cats that I have heard this about.
I remember as a kid going to both of my grandmother's houses to visit and we would see adult cats laying in the yard or laying in the neighbors yard or in the flower bed. They were usually just enjoying the day in the sun. I also remember going to an elderly couple's house that my parents knew and the cat would be lounging on the couch and of course me and my brother and their grand daughter whose parents were friends with my parents would be petting it. I think more people see cats in that situation than they do situations where they are just very playful. I think that is why people say that dogs are more fun than cats.
Cat's are actually very active animals. The first night I had Tiger he kind of got bored of hiding and started exploring everything. He was quite curious of his new surroundings. It was so cute to watch but at the same time it was really frustrating because he was into everything, and making messes. I was thinking that cat is on crack. It was hard to get mad at him because he was so cute! It was after basically telling Alex that I could take him in permanently and having Tiger back in my apartment once again that either I was going to have to house train him or get him trained.
Don't get me wrong, I thought the behavior was cute, but it was tearing up my apartment. I don't know why I remembered this but I remembered growing up that one of my mothers friends coming over to the house with her child and she was asking my mother for advice on how to discipline her child. However, it got me to thinking that is what moms do when they are having issues with raising their children. This is what I sought out to do. I did remember that I had a friend in college and every time she wanted more information about something she would find a book on it.
At the time that this was happening it was 2021 and I was experiencing some problems at work and these were some problems that I also experienced back in 2017, and when talking with some people about these problems I was coming to a conclusion that a lot of people at right now and that is why in the news we are still having a shortage of workers. These companies don't care about their employee's and they don't want to pay. so because of that I couldn't just get on one of those book apps or run out to barns and noble. Me and the girl that I was running my sales route with let's call her Melissa, we were talking about how we were making more money in our previous jobs than in this job. Plus I had a side business that I was trying to get up and running and I didn't feel like the people that I was working for were really respectful of my time because we live in a huge city where my sales route is all the way on the other side of town.
That brings me to another suggestion that my reader's might possibly make that suggestion would be. You could just go to the library. At the library the only time you have to pay is when you're late returning a book. That brings me back to the whole we live in a huge city, and the traffic is really bad. I was already pressed for time and with the traffic the way it was in that town there is no telling how long it would take just to drive to the library. I don't know maybe I should have been more grateful, and more understanding to my employer's because we did work something out but it wasn't the money that we were use to making with other companies doing the same job. The whole point of leaving one job for another job is more money. We were told that we were going to be making a certain amount of money and that did not happen. However this was 2021, that was not a good time to be in sales and I am not sure right now is a good time to be in sales.
That's another story though, but it was actually my running buddy Melissa that I was talking too about how to house train the cat. On one of our sales rounds one day she found a cute little puppy and she took in but it was so active and when she took it to the vet she found it it was going to be quite a big dog. This dog was some kind of a pit bull mix. She was already having problems with it and she knew she was going to have her hands full. Another person I confided in for advice on how to house train Tiger was Tony. Tony had two cats and apparently there was another cat before those two because something we talked about it one time suggested that there was a previous cat before those two.
People looking for advice on how to train their cat really shouldn't worry too much about it. I mean I get it if your living in an apartment like I was when I first unexpectedly became a cat daddy, your kind of afraid there going to tear something up, and sometimes your not afraid there going to tear something up because of peoples thoughts on cat's as being no fun and that they just lay around all the time. but a lot of times you won't be seeking advice and people who have found out that you just got a cat or a kitten will stumble on something about cats in something they are reading online or in a magazine or what not and they will share this with you. It's because they are excited for you on your new pet!
Don't ditch the carrying crate once you have brought the new cat or kitten home. Not only are these handy for travel, but they are also handy for when and inspector or pest control or even cable guy comes to your home. However these can also be put to good use when correcting the cat or kitten's bad behavior as far as putting them in time out. Another piece of advice I got from Toney and Melissa as far as training tiger was to tap him on the head when he did something wrong or acts bad. I really didn't like this idea and you won't either. Your going to think that is cruel to animals and it's going to break your heart, but your going to get to a point where your going to get frustrated and your going to tell yourself that you have got to do something about your cat or kittens behavior.
Another thing that cat owners really don't like, me included is when the cat claws at their couches. This is another reason why I waited so long to get a pet. I was told by several people that their is this stuff that you can spray on your couch or sofa that will keep the cat from clawing it. For the most part I think it works because people wouldn't be telling me about it if it didn't however my cat is very strong willed, and I wonder if that doesn't have something to with his bread, but that is something that we will get into in a future post.
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