Hypoallergenic Wipes


About one post ago I talked about bathing my cat Tiger. What is funny about that is, I was putting his first bath off for as long as I could. As I have said before Tiger was a cat that was into everything. He was quite curious of his new surroundings, and he wanted to explore everything and he looked so cute doing it too. I hated to get mad at him though because he was so gosh darn cute.

Let's just put it this way I had a feeling that bathing Tiger was not going to be an easy task. My first thought was, he is so strong willed. Even Alex (my business partner that gave me Tiger) said "oh yes it's his way or he will wrear and scratch to get away. Alex even admitted to me that he spoiled Tiger, when he had him. My big concern about bathing Tiger was that his claws were really sharp, I mean they were like daggers. I as thinking about the two cat's that I had growing up, and I didn't remember there claws being that sharp, but I also don't remember them having any percentage of main coon in them like Tiger did.. We had a white cat that was plump and so was the mother and a male cat that also belonged to the same family that the mother did that we got the white cat from. However they never specified if it was a main coon or a certain percentage of main coon. But, like I said in the post before last. At that time I didn't know what a main coon was.

The white cat that I had when I was in my preteens and teens was pretty good sized, he also had a lot of main coon characteristic's. Looking back on the way this cat looked he did have long hair, but not like Tiger did. However I don't really know if that means anything. Where Tiger was concerned however, I was wondering if there was any way I could maybe avoid bathing him. I remember that when I was thinking about this for some reason cleaning supplies came to mind and that disinfectant wipes have become very popular. I wondered if there wasn't anything like that for pets, cat's in particular. 

So what did I do? I did what any pet owner would do if they were wondering if there were certain items for their pets or if they just needed a certain pet accessory for their pet's. I went to Pet Smart. Growing up I always liked cat's, but in my early twenties I seemed to like dogs more, and before I ended up with a cat my mind was on getting a dog. So because of that every time I would go to pet smart I would be looking in the dog's section for things I would need if I got a dog. This time when I went in I was going to be going to the cat's section, but walking in I thought the cat's stuff was a long with the dog's stuff. 

I did find where all of the cat's stuff was, and as I browsed the shelves I eventually found these Hydro allergenic wipes. When I saw these Hydro allergenic wipes I immediately knew that is what I needed, and they were actually very affordable. I saw that there were 100 wipes in each package. Another thing that I thought was very cool about these wipes was the fact that they were scented.

I bought the ones that were coconut scented first because coconut is my favorite smell and flavor, but it wasn't long before I went back for the Vanilla ones. Vanilla is another smell as well as flavor that I am very fond of. Tiger really liked these wipes when I first used them on him. I would use these wipes on Tiger when he got into something, and it was in his fur but it wasn't really that bad. When Tiger would get into something major and it actually was that bad, that's when he would get the real bath. This would be in the sink or in the bathtub. Both the coconut wipes and the vanilla wipes made Tiger smell better. This is especially true if he ever went to the bathroom in his carrier. Just in case you are wondering yes, the coconut wipes really do smell like coconut and the vanilla wipes really do smell like vanilla. If I used the coconut wipes on Tiger he would smell like coconut. If I used the vanilla wipes on Tiger he would smell like vanilla.

Word of Caution: I am sure a lot of you probably already know to do this, but I am going to go ahead and put this note in here.

If you are going to bathe your pet's in the bath tub or sink it is always usually a good idea to clean out the sink or the bathtub before you bathe your pet as well as after you bathe your pet, but especially after.

Like I said I am sure most of you if not all of you know to do that. I just say this because I have known a lot of people that probably would not clean out the bath tub or the sink after or before bathing their pets.


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